Some quietly exciting news to launch the new year: one of my stories has made it into print. That is: published amid a diligently bound, securely grounded bundle of paper, as opposed to sent up into cyberspace, which can sometimes be like watching a helium balloon drift into the sky. Once More Around the Loganberry Bush is one of my more leftfield offerings which breaks a string of Rules of Fiction Writing (including: don’t write stories in which the narrator dies, and don’t let the narrator pop up as a character unexpectedly). Does it get away with it? Just a handful of pounds will yield you the answer – and, incidentally, give you access to a string of other top stories and poems by the likes of Jonathan Pinnock, Catherine Edmunds and Sharon Birch. What more could you wish for?
Thank you so much Gordon! A pleasure to be included. Much appreciated.
It will indeed be an honour to be in such illustrious company as yours, Gordon, lad. I do believe I’ve got a couple of stories hidden away in there myself. Best for 2010.
😉 scar
Hi Gordon, congratulations. (Just catching up with this from TWI!)