Now here’s an update I ought to have got round to a long time ago. So I’ll cut all the blurbery and just say that my story, The Storm-Flood, is available to read in Issue Five of The Right Eyed Deer, which you can download here. What is it? How about, ‘a sweetly melancholic story of the forces that shape us and a love that never quite was’ ? Does that grab you? Either way, the Deer, as it’s known to its friends, is stacked with premium-grade fiction and poetry (as well as a delightful interview with Jonathan Pinnock in which we learn about the author of Mrs Darcy versus The Aliens’s very particular taste in flavoured bread, which is worth the download alone). There’s also the option of buying a real, live, tangible copy where you can appreciate the artwork and typesetting in the manner that its creators intended before shoving it in your magazine rack. There are all kinds of ways to skin a deer; it’s entirely up, or down, to you.