A story of mine, The Mute Saint, is included in the fifth annual New Writing Dundee anthology, to be published next month. I posted this on Facebook and The Write Idea forum a few weeks ago, but wanted to hold off here until the link was up (and set up a gratuitous second plug into the bargain). This is by some distance the biggest success I’ve had as a writer, as a glance at the line-up (Robert Crawford, Adam Mars-Jones) will confirm. It really should be all the motivation I need to tout my work about a bit more and stop fearing rejection, because the buzz this kind of achievement generates far outweighs the dull pain of all those knockback emails. It’s like that old cliche about childbirth: once you’ve got the end product in your hands, all the hard work and agony expended in getting there just melts away. And fiction anthologies, unlike babies, don’t need fed or changed.
Oh, I should add that just £5 will net you a copy of this fine collection – which means you can get it dispatched direct to your door with Amazon’s free Super Saver Delivery. Come on, what’s a fiver these days? You can’t even buy yourself a decent lunch for that. So give Gregg’s a miss this week and treat yourself to some wholesome brain fodder instead.